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Mr Nash

Laura Mattis

Victor Miller

Mr Nash

Was born 17-09-1972 and sadly died .. .. ....

Before he became one of the day one members of Zombi Squad he was part of the Groningen Hip Hop crew called The Def Rhyme Creators a.k.a. The Def R. C. Posse. It's members where apart From Mr Nash, Beatcreator D.R.C., then Rapper Hellraiser, Mickey(also rapping at that time),  ......

After the battle between The Def R.C. and The Street Beat Boxers (S.B.B.) in 1986 ...1987 ... he and Beatcreator D.R.C joined the S.B.B. to be transformed into the Independant Rhyme Syndicate.

Mr Nash was a rapper, Dancer and the first Zombi Squad dj

Anne Smith

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